Zaposlimo nove sodelavce

V podjetju, kjer smo specializirani za proizvodnjo in industrijsko obnovo delov podvozja za vozila znamk Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini in Maserati, iščemo nove sodelavce.
Z več 45-letnimi izkušnjami in znanjem našim strankam po celem svetu zagotavljamo najboljšo kakovost storitev in izdelkov.
V svoje vrste vabimo:
– strugarja (m/ž),
– orodjarja (m/ž),
– ličarja (m/ž),
– skladiščnika (m/ž).
Izobrazba omenjenih poklicev ni predpogoj, si pa v svojih vrstah želimo natančnih, vztrajnih in motiviranih sodelavcev, ki jih takšno delo zanima in veseli.
V kolikor si skupaj z nami želite ustvarjati uspešno zgodbo in svoje izdelke občudovati na dirkalnih, starodobnih in off-road vozilih po celem svetu vas vabimo, da nam prošnjo z vašimi dosedanjimi delovnimi izkušnjami ter kratkim življenjepisom pošljete na
Kljub temu, da smo proizvodno podjetje vam nudimo delo v eni izmeni s 36-urnim tedenskim polnim delovnim časom. Smo družinsko podjetje in se zavedamo pomembnosti prostega časa naših zaposlenih za uspešno delovanje podjetja.
Lokacija dela: Industrijska cona Logatec
Več o podjetju najdete tudi na našem Instagramu.

Prekom USA – Porsche and Ferrari parts in the States

We are super excited to share a really big news with you.

Supplying our US customers during the Covid-19 pandemic from Europe and shipping the Ferrari and Porsche suspension parts to them was very challenging, as many shipments got lost or just had unpredictable delayes. We knew we had to find a solution.

And here it is – Prekom USA Inc. is a new established company, based in West Palm Beach Florida, stocking all the parts in our program – from stock replacement parts to racing / motorsport and off-road parts too.

Having a warehouse in the States did not just brought us closer to our customers, but the whole ordering – shipping process will get much easier and faster for everyone based in the USA.

A professional and Porsche enthusiasts team will take good care of you, also with specific and more technical questions.

So hello USA, we are super excited and we hope you are too.
Make sure to visit the Prekom USA new web page, follow the new team on Instagram and sign up to their newsletter for special deals and news.

Porsche Cayenne off-road parts

Porsche Cayenne off-road parts for best performance on-road and off-road

What is a result if you are suspension parts producer, passionate about Porsche cars and off-road?
Yes, you guessed it – Porsche Cayenne off-road parts.  With them we can convert and upgrade 4×4 Porsche Cayenne suspension for different on-road and off-road challenges and adventures.
What can be better than driving your kids to school, stopping at the grocery store on your way back from work and be able to take adventurous trips off-grid with using the same car?
It was no brainer – for the last couple of months we had been working on developing Porsche Cayenne off-road parts. We are happy to share the big news with you – produced, tested and are now available for all the Porsche enthusiasts too.

What changes have we done on the Porsche Cayenne suspension?

As we wanted to get best possible performance on all roads, we have not decided for uniballs, but kept the OEM technology of the ball joint and bushings, with making few upgrades in production.
The front upper control arms got adjustable ball joints. They can absorb hits well and are perfect for extreme movements in all directions. Because of using the ball joint technology and not uniball, the ball joints are protected from water and dust, what makes them more durable. Using ball joints and bushings, we have also eliminated squeaking, which can often occur with uniballs.
The arms are also additionally reinforced so they are perfect for hard off-roading too.
The OEM bushings are upgraded using different / stronger materials, including 15% harder rubber than OEM. This way the flexibility, which the rubber gives was kept, but at the same time we made them stronger for all kinds of demanding and difficult off-roading.
If we are talking about Porsche Cayenne off-road parts, we cannot go by the sway bars and rear control arms. We upgraded all of them to adjustable and easily removed. We even added a skid plate for the rear adjustable control arms, just to be on the safe side.
All the parts are made out of steel, what makes them perfect for hard off-road too.
The Porsche Cayenne off-road parts fit also to VW Touareg and Audi Q7 – first generation.

Lamborghini Gallardo ball joints & Audi R8 ball joints

Lamborghini Gallardo ball joints and Audi R8 ball joints are now also available without complete control arms!

Finally some good news for all the Lamborghini Gallardo and Audi R8 owners.
Due to the inquiries we have decided to start producing  ball joints for lower control arms and cross rods for two prestigious car brands – Lamborghini Gallardo and Audi R8. The ball joints are thread type, meaning they are suitable for models year 2009 – 2014.
As of now, you can forget about changing the complete arm or cross rod on the car just because of the ball joint failure. Get yourself our newly designed and produced Prekom ball joints. We supply them as one piece or as a set of 10 pieces.
Audi R8 needs 10 x ball joints per car and Lamborghini Gallardo needs 8 ball joints per car.
The ball joints come with 2 years warranty without any mileage limitations. 
Lamborghini Gallardo, Audi R8 ball joint
Lamborghini Gallardo and Audi R8 ball joint available as one piece
Lamborghini Gallardo, Audi R8 ball joint
Lamborghini Gallardo and Audi R8 ball joint available as a SET of 10 pieces

Porsche 928 rear axle parts

Porsche 928 rear arm can finally be completely renovated with our newly produced parts. From rocker bar, which has not been available as a seperate OEM part, to rear axle rubber mounts.
We have also the rubber set for rocker bar renovation, including DIY tools for assembling them into the rocker bar, available.
Porsche 928 rocker bar
Porsche 928 rocker bar
Porsche 928 rocker bar bushing
Porsche 928 rocker bar bushing
Porsche 928 rocker bar bushing tool
Porsche 928 rocker bar bushing tool
Porsche 928 rear arm
Porsche 928 rear arm
Porsche 928 rear axle rubber mount
Porsche 928 rear axle rubber mount
Porsche 928 rear axle rubber mount
Porsche 928 rear axle rubber mount

Porsche 964 / 993 engine mount

Regarding quality there are different Porsche 964 / 993 engine mounts on the market and most of them had troubles with the rubber getting loose.
If you have encountered with this problem, we are happy to let you know that our Porsche parts program is richer with new produced and technically upgraded Porsche 964 / 993 engine mount.
We have even made one step further and are offering Porsche 964 / 993 engine mounts in three different varieties:
PR13018P – street version (65 shores rubber)
PR13016P – racing version (75 shores rubber)
PR13017P – racing/tunning (uniball instead of rubber)

Porsche 928 torque tube bearings

If you are an owner of Porsche 928 and have problems with torque tube bearings, you now have an option to rebuild it.
We produced a set which includes 2 pieces of rubber carriers and 3 pieces of bushings with bearings (PR13015P).

Apart from the complete SET of bearings for Porsche 928 torque tube, we also offer the bearings individualy.
The parts are only available for 25MM shaft.

Porsche 993 tie rod assembly

Our production is richer for completely new produced part – Porsche 993 tie rod assembly (PR01033P). 

We can supply you with complete tie rod assembly or seperately with tie rod ends (PR01023P) and axial joints (PR04004P).